For four years, FIA has celebrated high schools where 80 percent or more of our Black and Brown students successfully completed A-G, making them eligible to apply to four-year colleges. This Thursday, they are also uplifting schools meeting California Dashboard Standards, those making BIG strides in ELA and Math, and unveiling “Raise the Bar” schools who are partnering with families to put them in the driver’s seat as full partners in their academic progress. Here are the expanded categories that will honor Oakland’s public schools, in both their efforts and successes in Raising the Bar:
A-G College Eligibility for High Schools

K-12 Schools

Schools Partnering with Families to Raise the Bar

When it comes to elementary and middle school education, in the California School Dashboard, the state’s accountability system, families can easily identify which schools are performing the best.
However, with FIA and their Raising the Bar campaign and awards, another key Dashboard metric to also evaluate is change: which schools are progressing towards impactful change for our Black and Latinx students. In pulling together the awardees for Thursday, FIA analyzed every public school in Oakland and how each school was improving or declining in Math and ELA proficiency compared to the previous year along this continuum, and found a majority of Oakland schools were either meeting the standard or improving:

Come celebrate in person with us THIS Thursday at 6:00 PM as FIA and their partners celebrate these successes at Learning Without Limits School Multipurpose Room at 2045 40th Avenue in Oakland. Come for dinner and the celebrations, and stay tuned for some surprise announcements as well!