My PE Experience as a Trans Student; Swim Class, Changing Rooms and Sometimes Ignorant Adults

(A guest post from Ash Whipple an Oakland public school student who uses the pronouns they/them, they are a First Robotics Competition Captain and an Energy Convertor) Being transgender and trying to comfortably take a PE class is nearly impossible. So much of it revolves around gender, whether it be the changing rooms, teams, or…

What’s Happening in Oakland Education this Week 2/26/18

Another busy week, with a powerful looking panel on El Salvador, meetings of the OUSD and ACOE boards, also meeting of the Foster Youth Advisory Commission and G1 Commissions. Parent Voices Oakland pushes for a bond at the county, Street Academy info sessions, rethinking school discipline forum, Greenleaf has and African American celebration, the powerful…

Bukrah Inshallah on Real Action to Reduce School Shootings

Seeing Florida’s legislature take quick and decisive action to post signs in all schools stating “in God We Trust” as a response to the latest massacre reminded me of a precious lesson I learned over a decade ago in the Middle East.  It started with a simple phrase, “bukrah inshallah” and ended with inaction.  And…

The Charter Union Story You Missed in CA and Why It Matters

Three facts that will surprise charter supporters and detractors; (1)California has the highest number of unionized charters in the country (2) those numbers have doubled over the last several years while nationally unionized charters have declined and (3) unionized charters have a positive effect on student achievement (at least according to one study).  These were…