Habari Gani!

The Power of the Nguzo Saba (7 Principles)
SoBEO is reaching out in the spirit of the Ngzo Saba – 7 Powerful Principles that speak to the social, economic, and spiritual wellbeing of the Black Community. Kwanzaa is celebrated from Dec 26 -January 1st. Today we greet you in the Spirit of Ujamaa.
SoBEO at its core is about a dedication to maintain Unity in the Family, Community, Race, and Nation. We are committed to our campaigns to empower and enable families within Oakland. We recognize the power of education. We have unified as a community of people who love education and believe it to be the pathway toward liberation. Umoja
SoBEO campaigns have provided an opportunity for parents to have choice and access to Quality Education. We are dedicated to Academic Excellence by raising the bar to ensure students access A-G Curriculum and prepared for college careers and community. We have supported the agency of young people to lead this work and define for themselves what quality and excellence is in the Black Community. Kujichagulia
SoBEO celebrates collective work and responsibility – Ujima – lifting voices and narratives of Black families, educators, students, and community members. Every SoEBO campaign has taken collective action – Increasing Black Educators in Oakland, Repurposing of OUSD lands, ensuring Internet for All and understanding it is an important right for all communities, Dumping the D that excuses the need for rigor, and having high expectations for Black Education.
SoBEO knows that interrupting housing insecurity, increasing the opportunity for black educators to be supported and sustained in the profession is all about Ujamaa – Cooperative Economics. SoBEO’s work has sustained primarily as a result of volunteers and in-kind contributions by dedicated partners. They all have leveraged valuable work happening in Oakland. Grateful for the powerful work of every SoBEO Team member individually as well as their organization’s Great School Voices and Energy Convertors that sustain and amplify the work!
SoBEO celebrates this Season of the First Fruits understands the powerful principles of the Nguzo Saba are merely the roadmap for us to celebrate and educate – Our Children of Oakland – they are Our First Fruits. This week and through the new year SoBEO will always as the question, How Are the Children? Let’s this season of Kwanzaa inspire us to do more, do better, and thrive for the Liberation of Black Children in Oakland.