The Oakland Education Week in Review: 11/30-12/6

Last week, a lawsuit alleging that distance learning is so bad its illegal, good story on some young authors at Westlake, updates on re-opening for OUSD and the challenges, some good news on OUSD using empty property for housing, the effects of closures on students, the increasing numbers of homeless families, its time to enroll…

Better Late than Never, OUSD Commits to Housing on Unused Properties

Stop the presses, the OUSD board has finally committed itself to addressing what most underserved families in Oakland would say is their biggest long-term concern; housing.  At the Board’s regular November meeting, they voted unanimously to approve Director Hinton’s “Housing for All” policy, Board Policy 7351, which directs the district to look at its property…

How Low Will Standards Go for Underserved Parents? Families Want to Know, and Now So Do the Lawyers

“My baby wants to go to Stanford,” an irate grandmother told me, “and this is what they give me.” She sent me a series of texts with her grandson’s teacher, demanding to know why she wasn’t told that her grandson was falling behind and had missed 8 assignments recently. The teacher’s response: “A lot of kids have…

The Oakland Education Week in Review: 11/23-11/29

A slower week, but there is an amazing conference on 12/1 where young people will lead the conversation on mental health and the challenges of distance learning, believe it or not, its time to choose your school for next year so please take part in open enrollment, some looks at the charter laws effects and…

The Oakland Education Week in Review: 11/16-11/22

last week, a look at the new Fremont building, school building re-openings, some help for teachers and housing, notes on a difficult year, trans student experiences, some good news on budget, enrollment is open for OUSD and much more, please read, share and get involved Oakland: Fremont High, a school re-built with love, community, and…