There are still many great school choices in both the district and charters, if you are still looking, please apply and find the right spot for your child. Go to Oakland Enrolls to submit your application. I did not get the district list this week but will publish when/if I do. Different schools, sometimes show results for certain groups…
Dirk Tillotson
Dear @Jack from Twitter, Oakland Needs your Money, But it Needs Accountability in Spending it Even More
Dear @Jack, you seem like a good guy, you want to help, and giving 10 million dollars to the City to get kids online is a great gesture. The problem is that it won’t help and it may actually hurt Oakland long term. I know you are new to Oakland. But things happen different here. …
The Oakland EducationWeek in Review: 7/19-7/26
Last week, the redlined roots of the digital divide in Oakland and elsewhere, looking at schools that are delivering during distance learning, the Green bond pledge for Oakland, some looks at reopening and inequity, as well as schools that still have seats open, that and more, please read, share and get involved Oakland: Access Denied…
Charter Schools with Open Seats on July 20th, You Can Still Apply
There are still many great school choices in both the district and charters, if you are still looking, please apply and find the right spot for your child. Go to Oakland Enrolls to submit your application. I did not get the district list this week but will publish when/if I do. Different schools, sometimes show results for certain groups…
The Oakland Education Week in Review: 7/13-7/19
Lots of perspectives on the digital divide, from international entrepreneurs to the impact of relining on access, to the disparities in learning loss, an educator wants us to look at enrollment and diversity in Oakland, schools that are still getting it done, the issues in re-opening, ideas for the future like a Green Bond and much more please read share and get involved