Fair Pay for More Work- What is Oakland’s Superintendent Worth?

Oakland should have a new superintendent.  We should offer her a competitive contract and hold her accountable to that.  Her contract is up for vote at the board meeting.  I was disappointed to hear that the usual suspects were coming to protest the superintendent’s new contract. Please don’t, please stay home. Are we going to…

Why I Re-joined the NAACP; Confessions from a Prodigal Son

Black folks are still catching hell.  At district schools, charters, private schools, in the Flatlands and the Hills, we are catching hell.    It may be a different hell, “the sunken place” where we see our children’s ambitions die a slow death by a thousand sleights, checking their identity at the schoolhouse door or fighting against…

Fixing the Least Professional Profession-How Charters Can Be a Solution for Teachers and Unions

Teaching is becoming harder and harder, and more miserable as a vocation, particularly in cash strapped schools and districts, where commands from the top aren’t met with resources and support to the bottom.  Teachers are increasingly asked to do more with less, and it’s not working.  It’s time we take seriously teacher empowerment, question many…