High Schools That Oakland Families Should Consider Based on the Latest Test Scores

Where you send your child to school is one of the most important decisions you can make.  The new school quality data was released by the state recently, and I wanted to highlight some of the schools making progress with Oakland children, and encourage families to visit.  The OUSD high school fair is 1/10 and…

Equity, Equality, and Who Really Feels the Pain From Budget Cuts

We talk a lot about nuanced versions of equity in Oakland but don’t live them.  Case and point OUSD’s $120/per student across the board budget cuts visited to Hills and Flatlands schools alike.  All schools are treated equally which is incredibly inequitable.  Let me explain. We have a system where some schools can easily absorb…

What’s Happening in Oakland Education This Week-1/8/18

Happy New Year hoping this one is better than the last, we have our first OUSD board meeting and elections of new board leadership, it is still open enrollment for families looking for schools for next year and many schools have tours and information nights, plus there is the middle and high school options fairs,…

What Happened in Oakland Education this Week- 1/5/17

All the Oakland education news from the last week- more on the budget crisis OUSD resignations, analysis of latest test scores, a great look at  a program supporting student voice, SFUSD”s crisis in Black education, sexual harassment on campuses, a podcast digging in to reform and segregation, the challenges that LGTBQ youth face and much…

Middle Schools That Oakland Families Should Consider Based on the Latest Test Scores

Where you send your child to school is one of the most important decisions you can make.  The new school quality data was released by the state recently, and I wanted to highlight some of the schools making progress with Oakland children, and encourage families to visit. But before I get to the public schools…