All the news that’s fit to link in Oakland and beyond– this week- The All City Council Youth Forum, Segregation in Oakland and it’s effects, making sure your special needs child gets the summer services they deserve, an upcoming youth led event covering school quality, mental health, and the experiences of Black students, the widely different chances of youth born only 4 miles apart, a program turning the school to prison pipeline on its head, teacher diversity in CA, why SpEd teachers leave teaching, all that and much more with links below– please read share and get involved
Special EDition – Extended School Year services for students with IEP’s a Primer
Energy Convertors Presents: Youth Chats
Charter School Will Not “Co-locate” at Prescott Elementary Next Year – Oakland Post
Why We Need to Talk About the State of Black Education in Oakland – Great School Voices
Formerly incarcerated students return to school
Despite progress, California’s teaching force far from reflecting diversity of students
Why Special Educators Really Leave the Classroom
Most Teachers Report High Levels of Stress, Study Finds
Abuse, violence common among LGBT homeless youth, study finds
Oakland Unified School District’s students gathered for the All City Council Students Unions’ 9th Annual Youth Action Summit – On a Thursday, during school hours, students from middle and high schools across the Oakland Unified School District met to conduct business.
The Geography of Opportunity in Oakland and How We Change it; Mapping Inequality in Housing, Health and Schools – Great School Voices – “An African-American born in West Oakland can expect to die almost 15 years earlier than a White person born in the Hills” –Alameda County Public Health Department Report Some neighborhoods in Oakland provide ample opportunities, safe parks, high achieving schools, clean air, and a wealth of opportunities.
Special EDition – Extended School Year – With the end of the school year fast approaching, with annual IEP reviews taking place, families often contact us wondering whether their student can continue to receive special education support in the summer.
Energy Convertors Presents: Youth Chats – Our student fellows have been hard at work publishing content in hopes to improve Oakland’s education and community. On May 17, they get to share their research, recommendations by hosting a talk with Oakland leaders.
Charter School Will Not “Co-locate” at Prescott Elementary Next Year – Oakland Post – At a meeting this week with Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) Supt. Kyla Johnson-Trammell, parents and educators at Prescott Elementary School in West Oakland.
Accidents of Birth that become Harbingers of Death- A Tale of 4 Schools and 4 Miles and the Different Opportunities they Offer – Babies born less than 4 miles apart here have radically different chances. You can go to public school A in West Oakland, which is 92% free and reduced lunch, where not a single child scored at or above grade level in reading, and 1% are proficient in math.
Why We Need to Talk About the State of Black Education in Oakland – Great School Voices – It’s a mistake to say the education system is failing, at least in regards to Black students. It is not a coincidence that by most measures Black students are being left behind.
Formerly incarcerated students return to school – Last year in June, East Bay-resident Dieudonné Brou graduated from UCLA in African American studies. During his commencement speech, he revealed himself as formerly incarcerated.
Despite progress, California’s teaching force far from reflecting diversity of students – In some cases, the diversity gap between teachers and students in California has widened.
Why Special Educators Really Leave the Classroom – It’s not all about paperwork, hard-to-manage students, and prickly parents.
Compared to majority white schools, majority black schools are more likely to have security staff – Child Trends – Student exposure to school-based law enforcement and security personnel differs based on their schools’ racial composition, according to new data from the 2015–2016 federal Civil Rights Data Collection.
‘If You’re Not at the Table, You’re on the Menu’: Importance of African-American Voices in Ed Reform Focus of UNCF Event – Washington, D.C. It’s essential for African-American students, parents, and community leaders to have a voice in education reform to overcome long-standing distrust and empower children to succeed, advocates said.
Most Teachers Report High Levels of Stress, Study Finds – The study measured responses from about 100 teachers from a single district, and found that 93 percent experienced high levels of stress in their profession.
Abuse, violence common among LGBT homeless youth, study finds – A new national survey reveals a complex trajectory of how LGBT youth become homeless.