Chronic absence is a key barrier to achievement for many students in Oakland and other undeserved communities. In this working session we will share tools and protocols for school teams to analyze the current year’s chronic absence data. Using this information, school teams will identify steps that can be taken between now and the beginning of the 19-20 school year to help improve overall attendance and decrease chronic absence.

The Chronic Absence Working Session will take place on Thursday, 5/9, 10am – Noon (lunch will be served) at Oakland International High School (4521 Webster St). The school is about about a 10-15min walk from the MacArthur BART station and several AC Transit bus stops. Street parking is also available nearby. RSVP HERE to attend.
Which schools can participate?
Any Oakland public school can participate. The agenda will be focused on supporting schools that are still developing their practices around reducing chronic absence. Schools with more developed practices are more than welcome to participate and share their systems with other schools.
Who should attend from my school?
Participating schools are asked to bring at least 2 people but not more than 4 people. Schools are encouraged to bring members of your your attendance team, which will vary from school to school. Participants could include: principal or assistant principal, family engagement coordinator, attendance clerk, operations manager, or other staff members.
What do I need to bring with me?
In order to fully benefit from this working session, you will need to bring up-to-date, student-level chronic absence data. This information can generally be exported from your student information system (Aeries, PowerSchool, Illuminate, etc.). If you need assistance accessing this data, please contact Jonathon Stewart ([email protected]).