By Lakisha Young, Executive Director, The Oakland REACH
There’s no doubt this has been a really hard time for black and brown families in Oakland. But WOW, yesterday, was awesome. And we really needed it.
The Oakland REACH came together – in partnership with a block of black-owned businesses on MacArthur Boulevard – to distribute 200 computers to our families to make sure they have what they need to be successful with summer learning.

KTVU was there and interviewed many of our families talking about their commitment to make sure their kids do not fall behind this summer. The piece is a must-watch, and a good change of pace for all of us:
This effort was part of our biggest initiative yet – The Oakland REACH City-Wide Virtual Hub. The Hub, powered through Google classroom, will provide flexible and adaptable learning opportunities for elementary and middle school students, grades K-8. Distance learning is now part of the long-term education reality — and we believe this creates an opportunity to involve families in a way they never have been before. Our goal is to make parents leaders in strengthening their children’s learning and savvy in virtual practices into the future.
In addition to laptops, we are also providing families with hotspots so they are ready with everything they need for Hub classes to start June 29th. Parent orientations begin next week, and we are getting such an incredible reception. We already have 190 families enrolled in the Hub and demand is still growing!

It’s clear the learning our children have been receiving CANNOT continue. That’s why we are taking huge steps to totally shake up the system. Let’s #REACHForMore.