We are now a couple weeks into the school year.
Despite this, there is still time to enroll your child in an amazing Oakland school. You know where to go – Oakland Enrolls to submit your application. Once again, please read our latest breakdown released earlier in the summer.
Note: Different schools sometimes show results for certain groups of children so please check the data. schools showing the highest gains still have seats open so there is still time to enroll for next year, including Envision Academy of Arts & Technology, Bay Area Technology School, Oakland Unity Middle School, and Urban Montessori among others. Those are just a few of the schools, so do your homework and make the best choice you can.
The district does not make this information publicly available. If/when they do, we are happy to share those results with you as well.
You can see earlier posts on the high growth schools for African American elementary school students and middle school students, and Latinx elementary school students and middle school students.
Here are schools that currently have open seats for this current school year (2021-2022) as of this week and the grades that they have open seats in.