If you are looking for a school to enroll your child in for the next school year (2021-2022), there are still many great choices in both the district and charters schools. Find the right place for your child and apply. Go to Oakland Enrolls to submit your application.
The district does not make this information publicly available. If/when they do, we are happy to share those results with you as well.
Note: Different schools sometimes show results for certain groups of children so please check the data. Some of the schools showing the highest gains with our babies still have seats open so there is still time to enroll for next year, including AIMS College Prep, Aspire Berkley Maynard, Bay Area Technology School, Community School for Creative Education, Oakland Unity, and Lodestar among others. Those are just a few of the schools, so do your homework and make the best choice you can.
You can see earlier posts on the high growth schools for African American elementary school students and middle school students, and Latinx elementary school students and middle school students.
Here are schools that currently have open seats for next school year (2021-2022) as of this week and the grades that they have open seats in.