Charters Don’t “Siphon” Students, Oakland Needs More Journalism and Less Reporter Judgments

I was really hoping that the Oaklandside would add more light and less heat to the circular and counterproductive public school wars in Oakland. We have two under resourced, generally underperforming school sectors, serving roughly the same students, pitted against each other, while Black families struggle to find solace in either. The sectors are united…

Oakland’s “Bold and Transformational” Plan to End the Digital Divide, That Might Just Work

I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong.  As a vocal critic of Oakland’s Digital divide plan, Oakland Undivided, it would be an interesting podcast to have its backers as guests and to push them on whether the plan would really work.  And work for the most underserved families who really need it. Talking with our…

A National Day of Action on #InternetForAll, Join Us 8/26 and Beyond

Internet is not a luxury, or a nice to have, it is a necessity, and should be a right.  That is why we will be joining thousands nationwide for a National Day of Action on Wednesday August 26th.  We are protesting the impotent federal response to the digital divide and the predatory broadband companies, that…

The Oakland Education Week in Review: 8/17-8/23

Last week, predictable disparities in online learning, and OUSD budget update, some thoughts on improving distance learning, digital exclusion, the pandemic and the need to InternetForAll, OEA and OUSD agree on terms, removing barriers to access in tech, an opportunity to listen to foster youth, all than and much more, please read, share and get…