The Geography of Opportunity in Oakland; The Digital Divide Edition

The past is not dead, in fact it is not even past, to misquote Faulkner.  The specters of racially exclusive policies still weigh heavily on Oakland’s underserved families.  From asthma rates, to environmental stress, to attendance, to school quality, and now even internet access, for the 25,000 students that need support.  We can trace our…

The Oakland Education Week in Review: 7/6-7/12

last week, lots on the digital divide, both challenges and solutions, some big departures from OUSD, thoughts on re-opening, a memorial fund for a warrior lost too soon, the return to school and challenges, the CA budget issues, federal funding and much more, please read share and get involved Oakland: Access Denied; Surveying the Digital…

How Failing Districts Kill Good Schools, The Curious Case of John Henry High in Richmond, and How You Can Help

It was a slap in the face to 315 families when one of California’s most dysfunctional school boards, West Contra Costs Unified (WCCUSD), voted to close one of the few functioning high schools in Richmond, and a triumph of politics over children, at least thus far. John Henry High School (JHHS) is one of the…

Charter Schools with Open Seats as of July 6th, You Can Still Apply

There are still many great school choices in both the district and charters, if you are still looking, please apply and find the right spot for your child.  Go to Oakland Enrolls to submit your application. I did not get the district list this week but will publish when/if I do. Different schools, sometimes show results for certain groups…