District and Citywide Monthly Attendance Challenge

February 19, 2021This message is available in other languages using the links located above the blue headerEvery month the winning school is presented an awardvirtually by a special guest! The Oakland Unified School District Attendance and Discipline Team is celebrating our community’s collective commitment to get up, show up and never give up through the Everyone &…

Families in Action for Quality Education and Aspire ERES Families to Host Press Conference and Car Caravan Ahead of Next School Board Meeting

Media Contact: Kimi Kean Co-Founder and CEO Families in Action for Quality Education Cell: (510) 798-9163 *MEDIA ADVISORY: Wednesday, February 24th*Families in Action for Quality Education and Aspire ERES Families to Host Press Conference and Car Caravan Ahead of Next School Board Meeting Groups will call out the OUSD School Board for not listening to…

OUSD Overcomes Zoom-bombing Incident During Literacy Summit, Apologizes to Participants

February 18, 2021Dear Oakland Unified Community,Tonight, I need to address an incident that happened in our Early Literacy Summit and Family Workshop this afternoon. It was a large meeting held via Zoom and open to all students, families, and staff. As we opened up the chat function in the Zoom, a small number of participants entered expletives,…

Do You Want Your Child Back in School this Year or to Keep Distance Learning? OUSD TK-5 Families: Please Submit the Student Preference Form by Mar. 2

At this time, we are asking all TK-5 families to answer two questions in the Mandatory Student Preference Form for each of their TK-5 students by March 2, 2021. This will let us know if you prefer that your student continues with distance learning for the rest of the school year, OR if you prefer your student return to in-person learning, if it becomes available.

I Wish You a Happy Lunar New Year, But at Same Time, I’m Outraged by Anti-Asian Violence Across the Bay Area

  Friday, February 12, 2021 Dear Oakland Unified Community,I want to wish everyone in our community a wonderful Lunar New Year. This is the Year of the Ox or Water Buffalo, which officially begins today, February 12. As Angel Ho from our Translation Team shares, “The ox is so important because, historically, many of our communities…