Before the 2024 Raising the Bar Awards go down in just a few hours at Learning without Limits School in Oakland, we have one more interview to share, and that’s with Cox Academy parent Viveca Ycoy-Walton.
Cox Elementary, an Education for Change School, has pledged to Raise the Bar with their families this year, and this is what Viveca had to say:
To me, when it comes to…raising the bar, especially in education and at schools, it’s stepping up and elevating yourself and your institution on another level. Whether it be just your school or if you’re a part of a district or a charter, also being a part of helping everybody else and holding everybody else accountable for how you’re delivering data, how your standards are being met by your students, and how you’re including parents in this information. That’s what raising the bar is. It’s everybody knowing… it takes a village, and that’s really important.
Check out Viveca’s in-depth interview here with our own Keonnis Taylor here:
That’s not all though. Viveca is not just speaking her message, she is implementing it with full throttle with her work at FIA Oakland. The SF Chronicle posted a story today about how parents will hold both the City Council and OUSD accountable to raising the bar as well. At tonight’s Raising the Bar Awards, there will be some critical, surprise announcements that you can check out in person tonight at 6:00 PM at Learning Without Limits School at 2035 40th Ave in Oakland! Join us live in person for dinner, or join the event virtually on our Facebook or X (Twitter) accounts, or those at FIA’s Facebook or YouTube if you are out of town!

Looking forward to you, our readers, helping us raise the bar.