Access Denied Ep. 7: Diversifying Tech by Removing Barriers (ft. Dr. Allison Scott, Lili Gangas, and Kennan Scott)

Welcome, to Access Denied, the tragic story of 15 million children locked outside the schoolhouse door and how we can fix that. My name is Dirk and I will your host. Today we will be talking with Allison Scott, Lili Gangas, and Kennan Scott, three trailblazers in tech and leaders in giving back

The Oakland Ed Week in Review: 8/10-8/16

last week, lots on the chaotic and challenging back to school in OUSD, some great work from community to support, the challenges of being a Black teacher, lots on the digital divide and how you can help, the challenges faced by children with special needs, schools with open seats and more, please read share and…

Access Denied Ep. 6: Rural America Has a Serious Internet Access Problem (ft. Garris Stroud and Christina Trosper)

Internet is not a luxury, it is a necessity, and should be a right. This is not a Blue or Red or rural or urban issue, its a universal problem that should bring us together to create a level playing field, incredible interview with some good troublemakers from Kentucky, please watch, share and get involved

Join Us For Access Denied, Episode 6

Friday 8/14 at 9 AM Pacific, we will be talking with Garris Stroud and Christina Trosker two educators and activists who have been fighting in Kentucky for the thing we all want, Internet for All.  We will be discussing the real fixes and practical solutions for creating a more equitable and durable internet on ramp…

Charter Schools with Open Seats as of August 10th, You Can Still Apply

There are still many great school choices in both the district and charters, if you are still looking, please apply and find the right spot for your child. Go to Oakland Enrolls to submit your application. I did not get the district list this week but will publish when/if I do.