Elementary Schools that Parents of Latino/a Students Should Consider Based on the Latest Test Scores

Where you send your child to school is one of the most important decisions you can make.  The new school quality data was released by the state this week, and I wanted to highlight some of the schools making progress with Black children, and encourage families to visit. But before I get to the public…

Elementary Schools That Black Families Should Consider Based on the Latest Test Scores

Where you send your child to school is one of the most important decisions you can make.  The new school quality data was released by the state today and I wanted to highlight some of the schools making progress with Black children, and encourage families to visit. But before I get to the public schools…

Don’t Miss the Jan. 26 Deadline to Apply-Choose or Lose in Oakland’s Public Schools

The meek will not inherit the earth in Oakland’s system of public school choice.  Given the likelihood of school closings, they may inherit the dirt of a shuttered school, and the scraps of opportunities left after others have chosen. OUSD’s open enrollment closes on January 26th. Many families don’t know it, but now is the…

Choosing the Best Oakland Public School for Your Child; a Q & A with EnrollOak.org

It’s school choice season in Oakland and it is easier than ever to access both district and charter public school applications.  Especially with the prospect of school closings,  families need to be more active than ever in making sure they find the best possible school for their child. There are simple ways for families to…

How Moving Towards Common Enrollment Hurt My Schools, and Why I Want to Move Even Further

It was a hard board meeting, we are under enrolled, our test scores are mixed and somewhat flat, our special education costs are ballooning, non-essentials—like food at meetings–have been eliminated.   And I am hungry. It’s a long meeting.   Our staff have been working their butts off, and our test scores are relatively good for the…