The Oakland Education News Week in Review-4/6/18

All the Oakland education news and beyond that’s fit to share– last week- looking at the OUSD food program, the kickoff event for the State of Black Education Oakland with Paul Cobb, upcoming event with the NAACP and Richard Rothstein, a student reflection teacher quality, the abysmal numbers for both charters and district schools for…

Racist Discipline Persists and the Immorality of Federal Response; The Latest GAO Study

There has long been an unwritten rule in school discipline-Black kids dis-proportionally and unfairly face the lash.  What is unspoken in most schools, is recorded in every study including the latest GAO study, which found that nationwide, 23% of Black students with disabilities were suspended in a given year… Think about that… And disciplinary disparities…

The Other Integration; A Model that Works

There is a mocked and sometimes despised subgroup that historically went to separate schools with the worst conditions.  And even when included in the same schools now, they are separated from their peers, given substandard services, subjected to abysmally low expectations and usually live down to them.  This group’s performance is among the lowest and…

School Segregation Is No Accident and This Professor Says It’s Because of Our Racist Housing Policies

We have an action-focused author talk coming up with Richard Rothstein on May 10 in West Oakland (you should register now). To prepare for that, here’s a piece that Peter Cunningham just published on Education Post. Peter’s the executive director of Education Post and he served as assistant secretary for communications and outreach in the U.S.…

Two Numbers that Explain Why Oakland’s Black families Aren’t Caught up in the Public School Wars

Fifteen percent and fourteen percent.  If you wonder why you largely don’t see Black parents engaged in the vitriolic debate over charters in Oakland—those numbers are the answer. 15% of Black elementary schoolers at charters schools can read at grade level. 14% of Black elementary school students at OUSD district schools can read at grade…