The Dismantling of the Reach Institute and How Community is Fighting Back

The Reach Institute has trained many of Oakland’s and the region’s most impactful educational leaders.  These were leaders who learned the nuts and bolts of leadership, alongside a legitimate and robust equity focus.  In an area needing more leadership talent, the Reach Institute was a huge resource for Oakland and the Community. That was before…

Talking to “The Jackie Robinson of the Internet,” Larry Irving, on the Next Frontiers in Digital Inclusion

Before Larry Irving’s research there was no widely accepted “digital divide” and no effort to systematically address it.  And beyond seeing the problems he led efforts to remediate it, serving during both the Clinton and Obama administrations, and earning a spot in the Internet Hall of Fame, as it’s first Black member. Join us tomorrow…

It’s National Digital Inclusion Week, Do you Know Where your Students Are?

During distance learning, if you can’t get online, you can’t get to school.  Last we knew, roughly half of Oakland’s students were unconnected or underconnected, with our most historically underserved students being the most disconnected.   And there were 15-17 million students nationwide in the same drifting boat, wafting further and further from proficiency. Even worse,…

The Oakland education Week in Review Week in Review: 9/28-10/4

Last week, check out the school board candidates, OUSD passes a distance learning policy– and gets it right– including local hire requirements, a youth piece on the importance of allowing 16 and 17 year olds to vote for school board, Madison Park’s new building is ready, and lots on the digital divide and starting to…

Access Denied Ep. 12: Real Community Solutions to the Broadband Crisis (ft. Mark Hurty, Guy Robinson, and Ericka Njumanze)

Watch the show here This week, we are pleased to host a number of guests, all focused on bringing positive change to families through closing the #digitaldivide. Mark Hurty is a Product Manager at EducationSuperHighway, a nonprofit dedicated towards upgrading the internet access in every public school classroom in America. He is also running for…