Each week, Great School Voices shares the open charter schools of the week from Oakland Enrolls. The late application period for the Oakland Public Charter Schools Application is now open. (The deadline for Round 1 was February 3, 2023.) You can apply now at OaklandEnrolls.org. There is still time to enroll your child in an amazing Oakland…
School Choice
Elementary Schools that Showed Progress with English Language Learner Children
The top Oakland public schools for English Language Learner elementary school students, check out the list.
Oakland Public Charter School Applications are due TONIGHT!
Applications are due TONIGHT, Friday, February 3, by 11:59 pm.
Elementary Schools that Showed Progress with Latinx Children
Elementary schools that showed the highest performance in ELA and math for Latinx students.
Elementary Schools that Showed Progress with Black Children
Where you send your child to school is one of the most important decisions you can make. The “on time” application window closes on Feb. 3 for charter schools on Oakland Enrolls (that’s tomorrow!) and on Feb. 10 for OUSD schools. We want to highlight some of the schools making progress with Oakland children, and…