Where you send your child to school is one of the most important decisions you can make. The new school quality data was released by the state recently, and I wanted to highlight some of the schools making progress with Oakland children, and encourage families to visit. Every child is different, and I will break it…
School Choice
Measuring School Quality; the Case for Looking at Student Growth and Proficiency
A Guest post from Jonathon Stewart, who is the Senior Fellow, Oakland CORE Collaborative Project with the Rogers Family Foundation Measuring both student proficiency, whether students are on grade level, and student growth from year to year matters (read here and here), particularly in places like Oakland where thousands of students enter school each year…
Choosing the Best Oakland Public School For Your Child– What Families NEED to Do NOW
A guest blog- from Team Oakland Enrolls Though it may still feel relatively early in the school year, we’re officially in the thick of the Oakland public school application season for next school year. We at Oakland Enrolls aim to empower Oakland families to make informed choices about their public school options and make the…
Who Betrayed the Opportunity Ticket; How Hills Parents Won and Flatlands Parents are Losing
Black parents in Oakland do not have access to quality schools. 1% attended a school above the state average and making progress, 2/3rds attend a school below average and going backwards. We are locked into those schools by enrollment rules, segregated housing and the legacy of discrimination. So, it seemed a momentous victory when the…
Don’t Miss the Feb. 7th Deadline to Apply-Choose or Lose in Oakland’s Public Schools
The meek will not inherit the earth in Oakland’s system of public school choice. Given the likelihood of school closings, they may inherit the dirt of a shuttered school, and the scraps of opportunities left, after others have chosen. Open enrollment closes on February 7th. So if you don’t get your application in by then,…