Real Talk, Real Issues, Real Action; A Youth-Led Dialogue with the OUSD Superintendent

“We live in an age when to be young and to be indifferent can be no longer synonymous. We must prepare for the coming hour. The claims of the Future are represented by suffering millions; and the Youth of a Nation are the trustees of Posterity”.–Benjamin Disraeli “How do you succeed in a chaotic school?”…

Latino/a Student Achievement in Oakland: Bringing Equity to My Community

Maria Ramirez is an Oaklander, born and raised. She is currently in community college and is working hard to make a beautiful and dazzling life for not only herself, but family as well. Maria is grateful that she gets to give back to the city that made her, wonderful Oakland. Last Tuesday I had the…

Fearless Latina Student Leader Aims for a Seat on the State Board of Education

A guest cross-post by Alma Renteria and our sisters at Gema Quetzal, a student leader from Oakland, is competing for a seat on the State Board of Education as their Student Director. Gema is scheduled to speak in Sacramento today and give a speech in front of her peers and a panel. She is one of…

My Oakland; A Student Reflects on a Changing City

A guest post by Oakland student Jeremiah Vaughn, one of Oakland’s Energy Converters I live in Oakland but I don’t. Let me explain See I’m from the old Oakland where everyone knew everyone and the saying that “it takes a village to raise a child” actually showed. I’m from old Oakland where if you got in…

Reflections of a Muslim Girl Growing Up in Oakland Unified

By: Meelan Mohsin one of Oakland’s Energyconverters (Meelan was the writer on this story reporting another student’s experience. Meelan conducted a series of interviews to capture the emotion this student felt all throughout her time as a student here in Oakland.) I moved to the U.S. from Iraq when I was 11 years old. I only…