From 12% to 97%, How Oakland is Bridging the Digital Divide and How We Close it Forever
Join us Tuesday 9/21 at 1 Pacific for Getting Oakland to 100, Episode 3 of Desegregate the Internet

Oakland is hailed as a national model for closing the digital divide. And the numbers are impressive. Oakland Undivided states that when the pandemic struck only 12% of low-income students were sufficiently connected, where now it is up to 97%. In our next show we will be talking with David Silver, the Mayor’s point person on the digital divide, The Oakland REACH, who have been working on the ground to make sure that families got the support they needed, and Lili Gangas, from the Kapor Center, who has been working on the ground supporting digital inclusion as well as working to make sure that we actually fix the system.

Join us to make sure we get to 100% and build back better so that we truly desegregate the internet.