The first step to healing is admitting we have a problem. It’s not a district problem, or charter problem, or a private school problem. It’s a problem that underlies our societal fabric, and infects our institutions. And until we step on the scale and look in the mirror, we probably won’t even know the true…
Dirk Tillotson
The Oakland Education Week in Review: 3/15-3/21
Last week, agreement around the return to in person school, and the need for equity in that process, Director Harris pens an important piece on community schools, Oakland Undivided is making huge progress, The NAACP’s push for better literacy practices, plus we have the elementary schools that showed progress (it’s school choice time again in…
Elementary Schools that Showed Progress with Latinx Children, You Should Have Gotten Your Offers, Now Make Your Choice
Where you send your child to school is one of the most important decisions you can make. We haven’t had new school quality data from the state due to distance learning, so the data is from the 2018-19 school year and I wanted to highlight some of the schools making progress with Oakland children, and…
“Our Children Need to Learn How to Read” The NAACP’s Demand for Better Literacy Practices and the Coalition Behind it
If you can’t read, your life in Oakland is likely to be nasty, brutish and short. And while we hear a lot of speeches, we haven’t seen changes in outcomes. Thankfully, there are folks taking action, like our Oakland NAACP, with concrete solutions, and a coalition behind them. Join us tonight for the NAACP and…
What We Need in a Reparations Policy, Resources not Rhetoric
If you can’t say its legal and you can’t say its funded. It’s dead in the water. Just another distraction floating through the public consciousness, while the slave ship we call public education trudges forward powered by still uninterrupted historical winds.