I don’t want to call it. But checking the vital signs and virulent opposition, I think common enrollment is dead in Oakland. It did not seem like a revolutionary idea. But may it rest in peace. It seemed like a good idea. Rather than families needing to fill out 40 some different charter school applications…
charter school
What Did We Learn from the UCLA Charter School Discipline Study?
Charter-run schools need to address head on disproportionate discipline—situations where subgroups of students consistently suffer higher rates of punishment—and so do district-run schools. Those were my big takeaways from the data in the recent UCLA study which drew on data from 2012. The summary data table is here: The headlines I saw covering the study were…
The Charter Association Suit Against OUSD and what it Means for Oakland Kids
Push came to shove today as the California Charter Schools Association filed suit against OUSD for its alleged failure to follow the law in providing charter school students equal public facilities. Most probably don’t know it but Proposition 39 created a legal right for public school students in charter-run schools to attend “reasonably equivalent” district…
Oakland Charter-run and District-run schools by the Numbers
Thank you OUSD for throwing some hard numbers into the charter school debates. While I missed 2/22/16 Board engagement session (I was in NYC), I did look at the materials. Big takeaways; students at charter-run schools tend to perform somewhat better on state tests and be more economically disadvantaged. While district-run schools had somewhat greater…
Judging Charters and Unions on Results
I am officially agnostic, on charter schools and unions. Not the combination of the two but each individually. We need to judge charters by their results on both quality and equity and we need to do the same for unions. That was the gist of my relatively recent comments in NOLA at the Education Research…