While protesters try to shut down the school board, and some school board members micromanage around pet issues and pet peeves, Black and Brown kids are failing and being failed. In OUSD, 11.7% of Black children are on grade level in math, 18.6% can read. For Latinx children, the numbers are 16.5% in math and…
A Tale of Two Schools; A SoBEO Rant Podcast on Opportunity Hoarding and the Real Opportunity in the Sankofa-Kaiser Merger with Dr. Brian Stanley
In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Brian Stanley, former ED of the Oakland Public Education Fund. He’s an amazing guy and also an Kaiser (OUSD) parent. Recently, he wrote an electric piece detailing the racial issues that have emerged in the merger. Well, in the midst of the stir-up, Dr. Stanley sat down…
The Geography of Opportunity in Oakland; And How Kaiser and Sankofa Became So Different
“An African-American born in West Oakland can expect to die almost 15 years earlier than a White person born in the Hills” –Alameda County Public Health Department Report The disparities in our schools are by design, not accident. When we have schools like Kaiser and Sankofa, geographically not far apart, but in other ways demonstrating…
Yes, It’s about Race, Race and the Schools Oakland Students Deserve; A Kaiser Parent’s Story
A guest post from Dr. Brian Stanley, Black | Husband | Father | Leader | Policy Nerd | Oakland, we always welcome guest writers The Oakland Unified School District is recommending merging my child’s school, Henry J. Kaiser Elementary and Sankofa Elementary into a single school on the Sankofa campus in North Oakland. Kaiser, nestled in the…
Why the Latest Charter School Compromise Won’t Fix Charter Authorizing, And Actually Makes the Situation Worse
News broke last week that one of Sacramento’s most vexing legislative issues had reached a compromise. The teachers’ union and charter association had agreed on a compromise bill on revising the charter law. I’m not clapping for a broken process, that was all about what choices California’s most underserved families will have—and had none of…