The 2022-23 Energy Convertors Report on Oakland public schools is available to download. We’re excited to share with you the findings from this year’s report. Student researchers focused on A-G course completion this year, and found significant gaps in Oakland student understanding of these courses a student is required to pass if they are going to gain admission to a UC or CSU school.
Among the key findings of our report:
- Most students who took the survey know about A-G: 70 percent of students and their parents know about A-G requirements.
- Students are aware of teacher turnover: 1 out of 3 students (32.9 percent) go to a school where two or more teachers left during the school year.
- Many students don’t have adequate support: 4 out of 10 students report an adult has not walked them through the A-G process.
- Students are not confident they receive a quality education: 63 percent of students surveyed scored their teachers’ classroom management as average or below average.

Click the link or scan the QR code above to download the report, and engage with it. You will hear from 404 Oakland students who completed the Energy Convertors survey, read analysis from our student researchers, [comma added here] and follow the data they compiled. Our hope is that this report will serve as a call to action for our collective community — parents, educators, students — to improve academic outcomes for Oakland public school students.