How do you choose the right major?

Students who have their major chosen can be more focused. While many students are unsure of their major or field of study after high school, this is not a topic that is often discussed in schools. For myself, I think that without the proper direction of a major chosen and a career to attain, I will feel nervous and perplexed about my future. I need a goal to aim for. I don’t want to be confused when I step into college. I want to devote myself to my major wholeheartedly. If I don’t have a goal to work toward I feel uneasy and confused. I do have some majors I’m considering right now, but I don’t know which one I should focus on and which one will be more fitting.

Unleashing the Potential of Every Student Through Personalized Learning

I have an immense love for education, but I firmly believe that the traditional, one-size-fits-all approach needs to change. This approach can cause disengagement, which I have experienced, and sluggish academic development since the traditional way of receiving an education disregards the unique talents, interests, and learning styles of each student.

Open charter seats: 11/28

The schools on this list are for enrolling in the current school year — 2023-24. The Oakland Public Charter Schools Application for next school year — 2024-25 is also now open and accepting students for next school year. You can apply now at