Chronic Absenteeism: A Silent Crisis in Oakland’s Education System

Chronic absenteeism is a silent crisis plaguing Oakland schools, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only made it worse. Despite many students believing they have satisfactory attendance, the harsh reality is that far too many are missing critical instructional time. This disconnect has severe consequences for student learning, engagement, and long-term success.

Energy Convertors 2024 Oakland Report: Demanding Proficiency Over Pageantry

Welcome to the 2023-24 Energy Convertors Report on Oakland public schools. We’re excited to share with you the findings from this year’s report. Our student researchers examined learning in the classroom and how students are impacted through two key areas of focus: 1. Learning and Proficiency; 2. Classroom Management and School Culture.  Check out our key findings here and download the report.

See Y’all on May 29th: Agentic & EmpowerED 2024

The purpose of Agentic & EmpowerED Oakland 2024 is to raise awareness about the educational disparities affecting Black and Brown scholars in Oakland, equip parents and students with the knowledge and tools needed to take immediate action, and inspire collective efforts to foster meaningful change within our education system. We then ultimately empower families to…

Rethinking Education: Beyond Grades to Proficiency

I run an organization called Energy Convertors. In that org, we train student fellows and parents to utilize their sense of agency to get the education they deserve. Once we accomplish that, our student fellows define local education issues, conduct scientific research, and then write a report that builds the agency of their whole community…