Oakland charter school enrollment trends

With the 2023-24 school year starting this month, Great School Voices connected with Lisa Gibes de Gac, Executive Director of Oakland Enrolls to ask about trends in applications to Oakland charter schools. (photo courtesy of Oakland Enrolls) At this point in the year, we’re seeing a 12% increase in families applying compared to this time last…

Event tomorrow: FIA A-G Awards

Join FIA family leaders, students, and school representatives at BayTech (8251 Fontaine Street) on April 27 starting at 5 pm for a celebration of the Oakland public high schools where more than 80 percent of the African American and Latino students have their A-G requirements completed and are eligible to apply to UC and CSU schools.

Who’s Breaking the Tie for Oakland students?!

We can’t have a governance board that is driven by the egos of all the adults in the room. Tie votes, refusing to vote on budget cuts, rescinding school closures without even knowing how much it would cost – this is just ineffective governance.  It demonstrates no one is governing on behalf of children, they are only representing the adults in the community– and wasting time and energy on things that have nothing to do with student progress.