It’s time for the Oakland Ed Week in Review! We’re back with an edition of our weekly roundup of education news from around The Town, state and nation. This is a Dirk favorite and one of the last blogs he published for Great School Voices. Here’s what’s going on this week: there was significant coverage…
Navigating the American School System as an Immigrant Student
I did not grow up speaking English. When I was born, my parents could not afford to raise me so I was sent to live in China, where I learned to speak Mandarin. As a result, when I came back to attend school in America, I did not speak any English. I struggled in elementary school. Most of my peers spoke English. During those early years, I was almost always extremely confused about what was happening and struggled to catch up to what was being taught in class.
South Star Classroom Podcast Episode 121: Examining Black Student Representation in Top Private Colleges
How does the underrepresentation of Black students at selective private colleges and universities impact the overall educational environment and opportunities for these students? What are institutions doing to increase Black student enrollment, and why have they not been more effective in achieving a representative student body? What else needs to be done?
Open charter seats: 12/4
The schools on this list are for enrolling in the current school year — 2023-24. The Oakland Public Charter Schools Application for next school year — 2024-25 is also now open and accepting students for next school year. You can apply now at
The Oakland Ed Week in Review 11/18/23-12/1/23
Here’s what’s going on this week: OUSD’s student homeless population jumped 70%(!) since the start of the pandemic; the war in the middle east continues to be a wedge issue on California college campuses; and a new report finds that charter schools deliver more bang for the buck than district schools (check out the article to read exactly what that means).