Who Is Silenced When Privilege Tantrums? Student Board Members, the Unsung Heroes of OUSD.

A guest post from OUSD Director Jumoke Hinton-Hodge. We don’t often hear about the unsung sheroes and heroes of our boards of education, the student board members! They represent the authentic voices of everyday students. They sit side-by-side with elected board members, attend meetings twice a month, special meetings and facilitate youth convenings upwards of…

Why Students Are Skipping YOUR Class: Improving Teacher Practice from a Student’s Perspective

(A guest post from Trylyon Love, an Oakland public school student and energy converter) A school is a place that we are supposed to be getting “educated.” If school is such a beneficial place for us, why are there so many students failing most of their classes? Why are students complaining every day about coming here?…

He’s More Than Just a Teacher, Mr. Bey Is a Game Changer

This is a piece by Oakland student Alondra Gonzalez, part of the Energy Convertors Fellowship led by Charles Cole III. This is me with my teacher, Mr. Bey. In the six months our class has known him he has earned not only our respect, but our love. I met him my first day of freshman year. I…

Bigger Than Bathrooms: Making Schools Safe for EVERY Student

A guest post from Ash Whipple, an Oakland student and one of Oakland’s Energy Converters. I’m sure when you’re out in public, or at work, all you worry about when going to the bathroom is if it’s clean or not. Nobody likes public bathrooms, they’re dirty, and you never know who you’re going to come across…